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Champaign, OH:  Winter Weather Instructions

Good morning!!

Now that we are entering into the real kind of winter weather, your market managers, and the YMCA, would like to make sure that all customers have the proper winter weather instructions for Thursday evening order pick-up, should the weather be in question, on these winter Thursdays…

Champaign Oh. Locally Grown Virtual Market Weather Emergency Customers pick up schedule.

In case of impending severe weather follow these instruction.

Level One Emergency – The YMCA is open. The market will be as scheduled. Normal customer pickup time 4:30-6:30pm. If you do not feel comfortable driving, please call and make arrangements for a delayed customer pickup. Please call Pam-926-4833

Level Two Emergency – The YMCA is open. The Market will be as scheduled. Normal customer pickup time 4:30-6:30pm. If you do not feel comfortable driving, please call and make arrangements for a delayed customer pickup. Please call Pam- 926-4833

Level Three Emergency – The YMCA is closed. The Market is closed. The Market will be rescheduled for Friday (the next day) Normal customer pickup time 4:30-6:30pm. If you do not feel comfortable driving, please call and make arrangements for a delayed customer pickup. Please call Pam-926-4833

If there is a Level 3 by Noon, Vendors don’t deliver and customers don’t come. Refer to Friday delivery and pickup schedule.

Thank you to Charlene for getting this information together for all of us!

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  Market Closes at 8:00pm Tonight

Market closes at 8:00pm

Hop on over to Crossfit Market

Hop on over to the Hamilton Mill Market

Hop on over to the Lilburn Market

That’s it — Order before close!!



Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill:  Market Closes at 8:00pm Tonight

Market closes at 8:00pm

Hop on over to Crossfit Market

Hop on over to the Hamilton Mill Market

Hop on over to the Lilburn Market

That’s it — Order before close!!



Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  Market Closes at 8:00pm Tonight

Market closes at 8:00pm

Hop on over to Crossfit Market

Hop on over to the Hamilton Mill Market

Hop on over to the Lilburn Market

That’s it — Order before close!!



CSA Farmers Market:  NEW SOAP MAKERS

New Soap Makers

We have two wonderful new soap companies coming to our group. This means we will have three entirely different soaps for you to choose from. We will still have the wonderful goat milk soaps offered by Pineberry Dairy from Silverwood Michigan. Now we are also offering natural bee product soap from Hive Made Products in Gladwin Michigan. If you prefer Omega rich olive oil soap we have Moon River Soaps made in Rochester Michigan.

Rebekah Townsend from Hive Made Products is passionate about creating a safe enriching soap for her family and yours. She and her husband have taken vast steps for their family to live life simply and naturally. After making some changes to what they put inside their bodies, they decided to take a closer look at the products they used on the outside. They were motivated by what they found to create their own body care products. They became bee keepers in 2013 and now use some of their own honey and beeswax in these products. It’s their passion to share with others the healing and moisturizing qualities they discovered in their body care products. They run their apiary, make quality handmade body care products, and rear their three sons on the homestead in Gladwin, Michigan.

Moon River soap maker Carlos and formulator Elizabeth Aprea, along with their daughter and son-in-law, make their rich moisturizing soaps in the beautiful sage green building downtown Rochester that they also call home. They discovered that synthetic fragrance in commercial soap was triggering her head aches and decided to research essential oils and botanicals. They created their fist batch of cold pressed organic olive oil soap with the knowledge gained from that research. They noticed that national baby wash was causing their grandson dry, irritated skin and after using the soap on him they saw his skin healed up almost immediately! They create this soap with a passion for healthy living and natural healing. They use natural NON-GMO ingredients that are free of chemicals and preservatives. Each hand poured bar of soap is made with omega rich olive oil, nurturing botanicals, and certified 100% pure essential oils. They never use petrochemicals, sulfates, synthetic fragrance or phthalates.

CSA Farmers Market:  Westwind Milling Co. Changing

Baking Linda Purdy (from Westwind Milling) has decided to give up baking, each year at about this time Lee & Linda Purdy look at their operation and decide what to change, they also closed their Many Hands Community Foods Grocery store located in Argentine. We will miss Linda’s Baking—As she sadly tells us that she has to give up baking at the same time she says how much she loves to bake. You never know she may decide to bake again.

CSA Farmers Market:  Miracles - Future Market Hour Changes

It may not seem like much of a miracle, but pulling off this market often feels like one. There are other markets in other states that do very similar markets. They give their customers about 2 days to order and the farmers 5 days to get the orders together. Some monthly markets actually give the farmers about 10 days to get the order together. We are the other hand give the customers about 4 1/2 days to order and us only about 2 1/2 days to harvest and gather product. Since we give ourselves such a narrow window we will eventually be shortening the order time we give customers. This I believe will give us a little more time to deal with issues that arise and more time to pay attention to detail. The future time we plan to be open the market will be 7:00 pm on Thursday and we will close the market Monday night at 10:00 pm.
On Thursday it sometimes is a madhouse here because we are packing orders at the same time when the market is being opened and it is often that the farmers that have just harvested their crops are also packing their items and they have not always had time to update the website. At the same time we have to back up all files, edit invoices, write the weblog in HTML before we are even down packing order and by 3pm we would love to have all our hair in our head.

Adding three hours for us at the beginning of the market would make a huge difference and the two hours at the end of the market would also help.
The beginning time will be implemented before we go onto a weekly order cycle. The closing the market time we be implemented sooner.

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Locally Grown - Availability for February 4th, 2015

Hey Local Food Lovers,

We want to welcome a new grower to the market this week. Staci Sprayberry and Jeffrey C. Baker are Baker Springs Farm located in Lula, GA. This week they started out with just a few of many items to come, radish and mung bean sprouts and hydroponic lettuces. We’ll be featuring many farms in the coming year and going into lots of details about their operations, specialty items, and some of their motivations and passions for producing wholesome local food.

I’m keeping tonight’s message short and simple.

Hope everyone has a great week and don’t forget to


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Open for February 5

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

There are a number of workshops and conferences coming up that those of you who are gardeners might want to look in to, especially if you think you might want to expand your gardens and begin selling at ALG or other area markets.

First, there’s Sound and Sensible Organic Certification Workshop on February 5, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., hosted by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). This workshop is intended to enlist new farmers and ranchers and help them learn how to become National Organic Program (NOP)-certified. It will provide information and expertise to farmers interested in NOP and answer questions regarding organic farm practices and NOP certification. This day-long event is free, and lunch will be provided. Location: Athens-Clarke County Cooperative Extension, 2152 West Broad Street, Athens, GA 30606 To register: Please visit Questions: For questions and more information, please contact Rockiell Woods at 479-575-1385 or email

Georgia Organics is again bringing their annual conference, attended by people from all over the county, to Athens next month. You can find details of what’s to come at their website, It’s one of my favorite conferences anywhere, and there’s something there for everyone involved in the local food system, from growers to cooks to eaters.

Just up the interstate in Greeneville, the SC Organic Growing Conference (known as GROW) will be held on Saturday, February 28 through March 2. COOK, featuring cooking classes taught by the chefs from the Culinary Institute of the Carolinas, will be held on Sunday, March 1. And edible Upcountry’s Food Hub (NETWORK) rounds out the event on Monday, March 2. The Culinary Institute will prepare a locally-sourced breakfast and lunch for GROW, an afternoon tea for COOK, and a locally-sourced happy hour for NETWORK. For more information, see their website:

Finally, here’s a workshop you can have on your own time. Georgia has recently enacted cottage food laws, which allows low-risk foods to be prepared in home kitchens for sale at farmers markets and other locations. There is an online seminar that goes over the ins and outs of this new set of rules on YouTube here:

And, one repeat from last week: UGA graduate student in the department of Geography, and Athens Locally Grown Member, Aidan Hysjulien is conducting a Master’s Thesis project trying to understand how the values associated with alternative foods systems are incorporated into decisions at the supermarket. This research will consist of an interview during a shopping trip and will require a very minimal time commitment. For more information please contact Aidan Hysjulien at or at (919)699-4288. Aidan will again be manning a table at our pickups this Thursday, if you’d like to talk to him and get a feel for his research project. He is needing to interview quite a few people for his project, and would love your help.

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the winter. You can watch for news during the offseason on their website. The other area markets are also all closed for the season, I believe. If you know of any winter markets operating, please let me know. And they might all be closed, but we’ll be here all year round!

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  'Bits and Bites' February 1, 2015

You can view this Newsletter by clicking on the Weblog Tab on the Market website

Bits and Bites

It does not seem possible that today is February 1! Although we have had a few ‘cold snaps’, which unfortunately took out some of our Farmers’ crops, it has been a relatively mild winter. I was a little nervous that winter weather would preclude a trip down to Market on Thursday; however, luckily that has not been the case! (knock on wood!)

One of my most favorite things about Winter is all of the wonderful Soups that are both nourishing and hardy. Growing up in Ohio, Soups were definitely part of our Winter fare. The warmth of the kitchen combined with scrumptious aroma of bread baking and a delectable soup bubbling on the stove-top served not only to feed my body but also nourish my soul. Whether it was a Cauliflower and Potato Soup, Gumbo, Chili, Beef Vegetable Soup with Barley, Split Pea Soup with Ham or Chicken with Rice, I relished those dinners. The aromas of soup simmering still tug at my heart-strings and invite me to remember simpler times. Gertrude, our cook and my Mother used to expound on ‘cooking with love’ – and I truthfully do not believe you can make soup without putting your touch of love in it!

Yesterday I cooked up a batch of Chicken Curry and Rice Soup with Carrots, Onion, Garlic and Celery. The pungent aroma and taste of the Curry was perfect with a fruit salad and Gluten Free Parker House Rolls from Bakery on Brooks. Earlier in the week, I made a Split Pea, Cabbage and Pork Shank Soup. Carrots, onions and garlic were added and after cooking, I used the emulsion blender to get a thicker texture and added bits of the Pork. I will have the recipe at Market this week for those of you who are interested. (But if you plan on making it, you will need Pork Shank, Cabbage, Carrots and Onions from the Market)

The Pork Shank (from Heritage Farm) I put in a brine for about 16 hours before roasting in a slow oven. Fabulous flavor and very tender.

Specials, New Items, Updates

Greg of Heritage Farm has Lamb Chops on Special this week. In addition, he has listed Mild Breakfast Sausage and Hot Breakfast Sausage this week along with Rabbit. Hmmm… I remember eating Rabbit as a child, but have never cooked it. I need to explore this option and will let you know my results! Thanks Greg, for bringing us a variety of good, grass-fed, nutritious meat options. What an opportunity to explore new culinary delights!

Greg has also added a Bulk Pack – Organ Feet and Bones consisting of Soup Bones, Pig Feet, Lamb Bones, Fat Back, Chicken Necks and Backs, Turkey Necks, Ham Hocks, Organ Meat. This is 20#‘s of various items for $30.00!! This is a phenomenal deal and if you make your own Pet Food, it is a fabulous find. Needless to say, I got one Bulk Pack for the Black Lab! The offering is limited in number and in frequency of availability! So, grab it now if you want it! You will not be disappointed!

Elderberry Syrup is listed on all Markets and will be available on the Farmers’ Sale Table at all Markets.

Elderberry’s high anti-oxidant properties and capacity to build the immune system make it a perfect immune booster and can assist in shortening the duration of the flu, colds and sinus infections.

Historically, both elderflowers and elderberries were given to build the immune system and prevent colds and flu.
A recent Norwegian study has shown that elderberry juice (Sambucus nigra) not only stimulates the immune system, but also directly inhibits the influenza virus. The active ingredients in the elderberry were found to halt the spread of the virus by disarming the enzyme responsible for attacking the cell walls.

Elderberry has been proven effective against eight different influenza viruses. The study indicated that it may provide protection against a wide range of flu viruses, solving the problem of the “mutating flu”, because most strains of the virus use the same enzyme mechanism to penetrate cells.

The study, reported in The Journal of International Medical Research, showed that on average, flu patients given the elderberry extract recovered within 3.1 days compared to 7.1 days for those given the placebo. Researchers found that the patients who took the elderberry extract also had higher levels of antibodies against the flu virus. A previous study published by The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that nearly 90 per cent of flu patients given elderberry extract were completely free of symptoms within two to three days, as compared to at least six days with a placebo.

Elderberry Syrup is very high in Vitamin A and C and bioflavinoids, and may be taken as a prophylactic against winter colds. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory activity of elderberries helps explain its use in rheumatic and arthritic conditions.

Elderberries have a long-established effect in regulating bowel activity, moderating extremes of diarrhea and constipation.

I am using my Mother’s recipe which contains: Elderberries, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Ginger and Honey. All ingredients are Organic. The added Spices all have their own unique medicinal qualities which is the reason for their addition. It is available in the 8oz size as well as the 16oz size.

Marie of Bakery on Brooks has done it again! She created Paleo Treats Cherry Almond Crispies. An explosion of flavor and they have chocolate in them too! Wow! Check them out!

Brandon Wills, Dabrielle and Bruce’s son of My Daily Bread has been keeping us supplied with our Organic Baked Goods these past few weeks! At his Mother’s side at the Bakery Brandon has learned his Mom’s secrets of making wonderful, nutritious Breads and Goodies. I am sure he will be happy to have his parents back home this week – and so will we! With their daughter packed and moved and some Beach time and R & R under their belts, they are ready to head back home — we thank Brandon for his good work and welcome Dabrielle and Bruce home with open arms! Next week, Challah, Rye and Tortillas will return to their offerings and grace our tables!

The freezer at Crossfit/Lawrenceville Market still has several packages of frozen Yellow Squash, which Farmer Ricky Brown of Back River Farm put up after the harvest this summer. Perfect to add to soups or casseroles. Please email me if you would like a package to be included with your order this week. Email order for Yellow Squash

Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great winter veggies! Broccoli, Brussell Sprouts, Huge heads of Savoy Cabbage, Carrots, Kale and Romaine Lettuce are all listed in their offerings this week. Tammy just added Young Spinach. I’m in…

Carrell Farms has delicious Water Buffalo Use a combo of Water Buffalo and Beef Bones to make an outstanding Bone Broth!

Be sure and check out Shalley’s all Natural Body Products. I recently purchased Shalley’s Silky Bamboo Lotion a combination of Tallow and Coconut Oil and essential oils as a balm for my raw and chapped hands. Oh, the difference just one application made! This is something that I will not be without.

Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Hop on over to Crossfit Market

Crossfit Members
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map

Hop on over to the Hamilton Mill Market

Hamilton Mill Members
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map

Hop on over to the Lilburn Market

Lilburn Members
Pickup Day and Time: TUESDAY, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map

Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

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BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!